• About Campana Racing

    A dream, 14 years in the making.... took off in 2024- and FINALLY happens March 7th in Pimm Nevada!

    Read Our Story Here 
  • Current Race Schedule

    We are kicking off our 2025 race season with The Mint 400 in Primm Nevada March 7th.

    Click Here 

Sponsored By: My Pretty Posh Princess

Probably THE ONLY race team in HISTORY to be sponsored by a company with the word "princess" in it! 100% of the monetary funding comes from My Pretty Posh Princess.... Austin & Marci's family run business!

WHO KNEW you could buy a racecar selling beads $0.20 at a time?! That's a lot of beads! We are PROUD to be the largest silicone + acrylic bead company IN NORTH AMERICA since 2013!

Check our our website and our Bead History below!

Bead Paradise Awaits....

Sponsored By: Kombustion Syndicate

HUGE HUGE HUGE thanks to Tyler & Kombustion Syndicate for their endless support of Campana Racing! Owner, Tyler, could easily be considered the heart of off road racing! His guidance, advise, support, and overall passion for the ride has been a lifeline for us! We are PROUD to have KS on our car, and wear Kombustion Syndicate on and off the track!

Kombustion Syndicate has graciously sponsored all the race trailer graphics for the 2025 season, provided spare parts including but not limited to a back up turbo for The Mint 400, and provides amazing merchandise throughout the year!

As if that wasn't enough, Tyler is also making the very LONG drive to Las Vegas to run our pits and be the head of communications for the races! Through his connections, he was able to recruit additional pit crew members to also make the journey to Vegas. Without a knowledgeable and reliable pit crew, our team WOULD not be able to race! The time and financial sacrifice being made for our family race team does not go unnoticed, or unappreciated! THANK YOU (Uncle) Tyler & KS for everything!

Support Kombustion Syndicate Here!

Sponsored By: The Rooted Rose

We would like to give a HUGE thank you to Rosalind , Scott, and family from "The Rooted Rose" for their VERY generous gas sponsorship for car U999 for the entire 2025 race season.

The Rooted Rose is Olde Town Fountains "Yoga & Wellness Studio"welcoming of all skill levels! The Rooted Rose is a safe place to explore and deepen your yoga practice. They provide a truly welcoming environment to learn and share your love for houseplants, decor and more in their amazing boutique. Not only does TRR offer a calming yoga experience but, you can give the gift of relaxation to your body and mind with Reiki Therapy. The Rooted Rose and all of their dedicated teachers welcome and encourage you to take your yoga off the mat and into your everyday life!

Visit their website below, and follow on thier Facebook to see their happenings!

Visit The Rooted Rose Online

Sponsored By: Must Be Nice Performance

Huge THANK YOU to Josh and everyone at Must Be Nice for not only providing spare parts for The Mint 400- but also making the LONG trip to Las Vegas to help provide pit support! We quite literally COULD NOT race without having a knowledgeable and reliable pit crew. Your willingness to be there or our race team, means the absolute world. We are honored to have MBN on our cars and race gear!

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Phone: 406-647-1632

Email: mustbeniceperformance@gmail.com

3435 MITZI DR BILLINGS MT 59101-6994 US

Check Out Their Website Here

Sponsored By

Huge thanks to Method Race Wheels for their amazing race program that helps us run nothing but THE BEST on our race cars!

Shop Method Here (We Are Not An Affiliate)

Silver State 300- Recap